Last year, for Galentine's Day, I had an idea to help boost the self-love of women. I asked 33 women for their favourite photo and the thing they love the most of themselves. It made me realise that women never really ever think about the things that they love about themselves because some young women, in particular, really struggled. I have asked less people to take part this year but in turn, asked for more self analysis and some have passed on great nuggets of wisdom.
This year, I wanted to create a space to allow more personal development and growth so this year, I still asked for people's favourite picture of themselves and posed this question:
"How do you think you have grown as a person and how has that changed your self-perception?"

Sophie (Me)
The biggest realisation I have had is growth is not an overnight thing. By pushing myself to achieve feats that are impossible overnight is causing me greater setbacks. I realise that I still have to grow and in order to do that, I need to lean into the bad things in life as I can learn from them. It’s made me realise my flaws and they help form me into a better version of myself and one day, I will no longer have so much internal conflict. It’s made me realise that my mind is much more valuable to me than anything else. I have also learned my new favourite phrase this year which is now a part of my mentality, "No is a full sentence". This means that I don't need to explain or justify anything in my life as long as it makes me happy and protects my mental wellbeing.

Katie (my baby sister)
I am most proud of myself for learning how to be independent and learning to live how I want to. I have grown a lot as a person over the past year and I now see myself as a more confident person.

I definitely think stepping out of my comfort zone, taking one small risk to apply for my current dream job and getting it has certainly changed me. It gave me the confidence to try more new things, as well as take up a more positive outlook. I wake up wanting to go to work, knowing I get to do something I love, working somewhere where I feel valued and needed. That’s done incredible wonders to my mental health and how I view myself. From voicing how I feel, to trying new styles of clothes outside my normal comfort zone, I’m growing into someone who I want to be.

My biggest personal growth is the development of my social skills. It made me more social and free. Years ago I could have not imagined the place in my life where I am standing right now. I broaden my horizon and move to different countries. Also, it got the confidence to meet so many new people. I am truly living my dream. Don't be afraid to be yourself, speak out for what you believe in and live your own dream.

It takes so much courage to admit that you need help! It’s okay not to be okay, but try to let go of the things you cannot change.

I recently learned – and it was very hard to accept – that I don’t need to prove to anyone (not even myself) my worth by being smart, kind, pretty, ambitious, “right” or whatever. I am worthy of love, understanding and tenderness. And, of course, in order to receive it from others, one must give it fully to oneself.

Learning to love yourself can be a hard journey however it’s pivotal to self growth and acceptance. A huge concept for me was the good and bad parts of myself as often self-love focuses on the positives but you can’t appreciate yourself truly until you accept the flaws in your character. When you’re aware of your self-worth, you treat and support other women with more respect; you realise they aren’t your competition but they’re your sisters. It makes your love life so much easier because you are aware of what you deserve and know when to leave when begin to feel in competition for attention or you feel like you are being treated less than your worth.

An area of personal growth for me is learning to love being alone, moving to Liverpool forced me to be brave and explore the city alone instead of depending on other people to do stuff with.

Growth and self-love go hand in hand. In recognising the love you deserve and who is deserving of love.

I would say I have grown in my self-sufficiency. I used to need people around me all the time to stay out of my head and not get overwhelmed, but since coming to University I've learned to love my own company and enjoy the things I can do by myself. it's made me see myself as less of a burden and to appreciate that while I enjoy being sociable and being around my friends, I don't NEED it.

This year has been a huge development for me, I've learned to take care of myself and to keep my business my own. Remember, everyone else's problems are not your burden: support, advise and listen, but nothing more.