Sophie Mouzakitis
Jan 7, 20224 min read
Why am I not a ‘New Me’ ALREADY?
New Year, New Me. We are 17 days in, and I wonder how many times everyone has heard or said this. In fact, you are probably sick of those...

Sophie Mouzakitis
Dec 1, 20216 min read
Hidden Impairments, Sex and Relationships
From 18th November to 18th December is UK Disability History and Awareness Month. The themes of this year is Disability, Sex & Relationships

Sophie Mouzakitis
Oct 9, 20216 min read
Dating and Mental Illness
Anything about dating always sounds like a trivial topic, or like a segment on Loose Women (not old enough for that yet!), but romantic...

Sophie Mouzakitis
Apr 13, 20217 min read
Let's Talk About Sex...ual Health, Baby!
Sex and sexuality are becoming a big part of our society but so many of us are undereducated. This is often due to the huge holes in our...

Sophie Mouzakitis
Mar 22, 20214 min read
Sexual Assault and Harassment
TW: Mention of Sexual Assault